Who we are
We are a charity – not for profit and non political
Our goal is to create a supportive community for everyone
Who we are
Safer and Supportive Salisbury is a charity, leading a network of local people and organisations working together towards creating a safe, supportive and inclusive community for everyone who lives or works in the city and for all visitors to Salisbury and surrounding areas.
Our objects are:
1. To promote the relief in need of the residents of Salisbury and its environs who are in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other social or economic disadvantage; and
2. To carry out any other purposes which are charitable in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.
Safer and Supportive Salisbury (SaSS) is a totally independent, non-political, not for profit charity. The members of our network all represent local community groups or charities or are active in the Salisbury area as individual volunteers.
Our Trustees are:
Anne Trevett BEM (Chair)
Liz Batten
Irene Kohler
Jeremy Nettle
Pauline Oliver
Rebecca Seymour
We are supported by:
Belinda Chandler (Project Manager)
Linda Baker (Administrator)
How we started
Safer and Supportive Salisbury grew out of the original work on Safe Places in Salisbury. It evolved into a network that helps to carry forward the Council’s Health and Wellbeing Agenda with minimal resources.
Safer and Supportive Salisbury raises funds and generates income to help further its aims and actions. The charity shares, networks, signposts and communicates good practice and research. It promotes events and activities in its own right as well as those sponsored, supported or organised by member community groups and organisations.
A copy of our constitution can be found here.
The group holds a well-attended open meeting four times a year at which network members exchange information on their current activities and a great deal of informal networking takes place before and after the formal meeting.
Our policies can be found here: Behaviours and Values, Data Protection and Privacy, Diversity and Equal Opportunities, Health and Safety and Safeguarding.
SaSS’s membership includes the following:
Press to view the members
Louise Harris, Wiltshire Advocacy People – louise.harris@theadvocacypeople.org.uk
Graham Audin, Community Transport South Wiltshire
Elizabeth Bartlett, Dementia Feasibility Study
Michele Smith, Soroptimist International of Salisbury,
Kate Brooks, Care Homes Volunteers – kateb@carehomevolunteers
Lee Buckley, Sarum Community Mental Health Team/ Memory Service
Penny Calvert, Art Care at Salisbury District Hospital
Gjenya Cambray, Wiltshire Creative – gjenya.campray@wiltshirecreative.co.uk
Clare Christopher, Three Chequers Surgery
Kate Darbyshire, Wiltshire Council Housing Resident Engagement Team
Ann-Marie Dean, Tisbury Memory Group and Tisbury Community Sensory Garden – tisburymemorygroup@gmail.com
Helen Dowse – Carers’ Champion – helendowse@talktalk.net
Margaret Firth, Wiltshire Community Foundation
Jonathan Gapper, Home Instead care providers
Christina Gregory, Avon and Wilts (Mental Health) Partnership
Sarah Gregson, Communities Officer, Salisbury City Council
Amy Hammett, Salisbury Museum Community Curator – amyhammett@salisburymuseum.org.uk
Emma Harper, South Wilts Mencap
Anita Hansen, Community Development Officer, Wessex Community Action
Health Improvement Coaches; Wiltshire Council,
Robin Imeson, Rise61, robinimeson@rise61.org
Karlene Jammeh, Area Board Delivery Officer Wiltshire Council – karlene.jammeh@wiltshire.gov.uk
Jo King – Alabare Christian Care and Support – j.king@alabare.co.uk
Irene Kohler – Senior People’s Champion, Silver Salisbury – silver.salisbury@outlook.com
Pip Loach, Local Area Co-ordinator Wiltshire Council – catherine.loach@wiltshire.gov.uk‘
Anna Maycock-Frame, Happy Café annamaycockframe@outlook.com
Robin McGowan, CEO, Salisbury BID
Fiona Ollerhead, Pantry Partnership
John Page, Salisbury Men’s Shed – salisburymensshed@gmail.com
Sandra Parkin, Julian House
Rebecca Seymour, Celebrating Age
India Sutton, Carers Support Wiltshire – india@carersupportwiltshire.co.uk
Harry Theobald, Alzhiemer’s Support
Phil Tomes, Salisbury Library
Charles Woodd, Harnham Neighbourhood Group – harnhamcommunity@gmail.com