SaSS Newsletter

SaSS started a newsletter in January 2020.   During the first lockdown of the Pandemic that year, it became obvious that there was a need for an authoritative, regularly updated source of information for local people. There was a bewildering mass of information and a need to sift through the detail and point local people in the direction of the most up to date facts as well as putting volunteers in touch with those they were looking for help.  During the height of the restrictions this easy to read document was produced and distributed twice a week.

Now the newsletter is produced once a month and contains news from Safer and Supportive Salisbury and from its Network members.  It has information on health and wellbeing and for carers, local events and so much more.

The newsletter reaches well over 250 people as many who receive it forward it on to others and some organisations print off hard copies for hand delivery.

If you would like to contribute to the content please contact Linda Baker at   The deadline for copy is 15th of each month.

February 2025 – Issue 68


December/January 25 Newsletter – Issue 67
November Newsletter – Issue 66
October Newsletter – Issue 65
September Newsletter – Issue 64
August Newsletter – Issue 63
July Newsletter – Issue 62
June Newsletter – Issue 61


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